Props 2010/26/

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Increases to two-thirds, from a simple majority, the vote required for the Legislature to adopt state levies and charges, with limited exceptions. Requires two-thirds vote of the public for local levies and charges, with limited exceptions. Proponent: Allan Zaremberg, president of California Chamber of Commerce.


From Bill Balderston:

Prop 26 - extend the two-thirds majority to all income items --- NO,NO

If Prop 25 is only a half-way measure, Prop 26 would be a big step backwards, extending the two-thirds requirement to all government fees and other income measures not currently requiring it. This clearly is an attempt by the right-populist, Jarvisite forces to hit back at Props 24 and 25 and continue the anti-tax momentum, with no discussion on upward or downward redistribution of resources. Likely all unions and community-based organizations will oppose this regressive item. The Green Party does not at all agree with the proponents of this measure, that a minority of just 34% should be allowed to have veto power over the very strong majority of 66%. Please vote "No" on Proposition 26.

Recommended Position

NO (back to Props 2010/)