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Greens support a change in U.S. foreign policy that promotes non-violence and grassroots democracy.
U.S. military aid to countries in the Middle East must be based on rigorous enforcement of the Arms Export Control and Foreign Assistance Acts, which mandate that military aid may be used for only defensive purposes within the recipient country's borders, and that aid may not be delivered to countries that abuse human rights.
We support an end to U.S. military aid to Israel until the occupation ends. U.S. military aid allows Israel to avoid making serious efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Israeli conflicts with other countries in the region. U.S. military aid also enables the occupation, contributes to the devastation of Palestinian society and fosters the increasing militarization of Israeli society.
We support an end to U.S. military aid to other human rights abusers and occupiers in the Middle East. This aid helps prop up autocratic and repressive regimes, promotes violations of human rights and international law, obstructs democratic movements, prolongs the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and fosters militarism and violence at home and abroad.
Israelis and Palestinians have the right to security, sovereignty, and self-determination within political entities of their own choosing.
Israel must end its occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem, completely withdraw from these Occupied Territories and relinquish all its settlements, military outposts and by-pass roads.
Jerusalem has to be shared in a manner that reflects its spiritual, economic, and political importance to both Israelis and Palestinians, as well as to all Jews, Muslims and Christians.
The plight of Palestinian refugees needs to be resolved equitably and in a manner that promotes peace and is consistent with international law. Within the framework of an equitable agreement, the refugees should have a role in determining their future, whether pursuing return, resettlement, or financial compensation. Israel should recognize its share of responsibility for the ongoing refugee crisis and for its resolution.
The parties must equitably distribute water and other natural resources.
Diplomatic negotiations between the two parties must be held unconditionally. Countries other than the U.S. should be involved in peace negotiations. An international peacekeeping force should be established to protect all civilians.
All people of the Middle East deserve the right to democratic participation and equality within their societies, regardless of religion, ethnicity, culture, national origin, language, race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, or other status.
Israel must cease its use of military force against Palestinian civilians, including attacks involving American-supplied F-16s and Apache helicopters. Moreover, Israel must stop land seizures; destruction of homes, infrastructure, orchards and farms; arbitrary arrests and imprisonment; torture; assassinations; expulsions; curfews; travel restrictions; abuse at checkpoints; raids; collective punishment; and other violations of human rights.
Palestinians must stop suicide bombings and other attacks on Israeli civilians.
The international community must support Palestinian efforts to promote democracy and human rights, while understanding that this aim cannot be fully achieved under occupation.
Racism and bigotry cannot be tolerated, whether in the U.S. or abroad, whether against Arabs or against Jews.

Revision as of 22:58, 9 April 2010


Human rights are a key element in crisis and conflict prevention. They are the core of a modern security and peace policy. After all, today’s human rights violations are tomorrow’s wars. Security policy must always be human rights policy as well. In combating violent conflicts, the EU must ensure that human rights violations do not occur, in order to prevent a new spiral of conflict and violence from ensuing.

The U.S. should mainstream human rights in all its external policies, including trade. It should act with greater resolve at international level to promote full compliance with international human rights standards. It should work for the ‘humanization’ of the law of nations, whereby human rights take precedence over the sovereignty of states and the international community is better equipped to respond to serious violations of human rights. Continuing support for the International Criminal Court is an exemplary part of this endeavour.





First draft of text being drafted by Annie Garrison, a SF Green






Greens support a change in U.S. foreign policy that promotes non-violence and grassroots democracy.

U.S. military aid to countries in the Middle East must be based on rigorous enforcement of the Arms Export Control and Foreign Assistance Acts, which mandate that military aid may be used for only defensive purposes within the recipient country's borders, and that aid may not be delivered to countries that abuse human rights.

We support an end to U.S. military aid to Israel until the occupation ends. U.S. military aid allows Israel to avoid making serious efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Israeli conflicts with other countries in the region. U.S. military aid also enables the occupation, contributes to the devastation of Palestinian society and fosters the increasing militarization of Israeli society.

We support an end to U.S. military aid to other human rights abusers and occupiers in the Middle East. This aid helps prop up autocratic and repressive regimes, promotes violations of human rights and international law, obstructs democratic movements, prolongs the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and fosters militarism and violence at home and abroad.


Israelis and Palestinians have the right to security, sovereignty, and self-determination within political entities of their own choosing.

Israel must end its occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem, completely withdraw from these Occupied Territories and relinquish all its settlements, military outposts and by-pass roads.

Jerusalem has to be shared in a manner that reflects its spiritual, economic, and political importance to both Israelis and Palestinians, as well as to all Jews, Muslims and Christians.

The plight of Palestinian refugees needs to be resolved equitably and in a manner that promotes peace and is consistent with international law. Within the framework of an equitable agreement, the refugees should have a role in determining their future, whether pursuing return, resettlement, or financial compensation. Israel should recognize its share of responsibility for the ongoing refugee crisis and for its resolution.

The parties must equitably distribute water and other natural resources.

Diplomatic negotiations between the two parties must be held unconditionally. Countries other than the U.S. should be involved in peace negotiations. An international peacekeeping force should be established to protect all civilians.


All people of the Middle East deserve the right to democratic participation and equality within their societies, regardless of religion, ethnicity, culture, national origin, language, race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, or other status.

Israel must cease its use of military force against Palestinian civilians, including attacks involving American-supplied F-16s and Apache helicopters. Moreover, Israel must stop land seizures; destruction of homes, infrastructure, orchards and farms; arbitrary arrests and imprisonment; torture; assassinations; expulsions; curfews; travel restrictions; abuse at checkpoints; raids; collective punishment; and other violations of human rights.

Palestinians must stop suicide bombings and other attacks on Israeli civilians.

The international community must support Palestinian efforts to promote democracy and human rights, while understanding that this aim cannot be fully achieved under occupation.

Racism and bigotry cannot be tolerated, whether in the U.S. or abroad, whether against Arabs or against Jews.


The U.S. government pledged to abide by the United Nations Charter and international law. We urge our government to sign the International Criminal Court agreement and respect the authority of that institution.

Our government is obliged to take our disputes with other nations or foreign bodies to the U.N. Security Council and General Assembly forum for negotiation and resolution. We seek the permanent repeal of the veto power enjoyed by the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council.

Greens support the right of the U.N. to intervene in a nation-state engaged in genocidal acts or in its persistent violation and denial of the human rights of an ethnic or religious group within its boundaries, and the right to protect the victims of such acts. The U.S. is obligated to render military assistance or service under U.N. command to enforce a U.N. Security Council resolutions.


Section subtitle: Bringing peace to space

Our position: Greens believe that space should be used for peaceful -- not military -- purposes.

The Green Party recognizes the need for the inspiration and education that the peaceful exploration of Space provides; the need for space-based systems to monitor environmental conditions on Earth; the many advances in space technology that benefit all people on Earth; and the inspiration provided to children by Space exploration can prompt them to pursue math, science, and other important courses of study. We oppose the continued militarization of Space.