The Green Party of the United States (GPUS) will conduct its first ever presidential campaign debriefing this year at its 2013 Annual National Meeting, July 25-28 in Iowa City, Iowa.
The decision to conduct the debriefing came from a presidential debriefing proposal sponsored by the Green Party of California (GPCA), that passed the Green National Committee 65-0-9. It stated:
"Be it resolved that the National Committee directs the Steering Committee to include in the agenda of the Annual National Meeting of each year after the presidential election, a debriefing session on the Green Party's candidates and campaign, to include but not be limited to the Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates, their campaign staff and volunteers, representatives of the GPUS Presidential Campaign Support Committee and Annual National Meeting Committees (to report on their roles during the process), Presidential Convention Honorary Co-chairs and the Convention Election Administrator (to report on their roles during the process) and other party members and individuals as may be relevant to ensure the breadth, depth and accuracy of such a debriefing/review."

Already, Green 2012 Presidential candidate
Jill Stein and Stein for President campaign manager
Ben Manski have confirmed they will be in attendance and participating.
Numerous other Western and national Green meetings, conferences, conventions and debates have been held in California, from the pioneering
Greening of the West conference in September/October 1988, to the
first Green Presidential Convention, held at UCLA in August 1996, where Ralph Nader and Winona LaDuke were nominated as the first Green national candidates. Currently the GPCA has 25 delegates on the 150 member GPUS Green National Committee.
For more information about the 2013 GPUS Annual National Meeting, click the image below